Abstract Introduction Neuropathic pain is present in up to 40 % of all cancer patients. A considerable number of patients fail to achieve enough pain relief with conventional treatment, which is why therapeutic alternatives such as spinal cord stimulation should be considered. Case description and resu...
Dolor Crónico,
Estimulación de la Médula Espinal,
Bloqueo Nervioso,
Calidad de Vida,
Carcinoma de Células Escamosas,
Escisión del Ganglio Linfático,
Manejo del Dolor,
Nervio Femoral,
Abstract Introduction Classically, the local anesthetic (LA) has been combined with one lipophilic and another hydrophilic opioid for neuraxial anesthesia in cesarean section. In Colombia, the practice has been the use of morphine hydrochloride with fentanyl, but the occasional shortage of the former tr...
Background: Colombia has a high diversity of medicinal plants, including Tachuelo (Zanthoxylum rhoifolium), a tree belonging to the family Rutaceae, which has been attributed an analgesic use by communities of the Colombian southwest. Nevertheless, this species has been scarce studied in ...
Abstract Introduction: Postoperative pain in thoracic surgery in adults is usually severe, and to control it there are many analgesic methods that include paravertebral blockade (PVB). Until now, there is no clarity on which is the most effective technique to perform this blockade. Objective: To descri...
In their editorial, Gómez-Duarte1 suggests that the association of dipyrone with multiple adverse effects should lead to reconsider its use. We are of the opinion that such position neglects part of the available evidence, although we recognize that based on such evidence different views arise with rega...
Upon carefully reading Gómez-Duarte's1 editorial on the need to restrict the use of dipyrone due to its adverse and potentially lethal effects, we thought that some of the expressed ideas must be reviewed in detail in the light of current controversies and methodological limitations of the available evi...
Dipyrone (or metamizole) is an analgesic and antipyretic for oral or parenteral administration. Its action mechanism is directly related to the inhibition of the signaling of TRPA1 (Transient Receptor Potential Ankirin 1). The TRPA1 ion channel, located in the plasma membrane of a subpopulation of nocice...
Objetivo: automedicación es el uso de productos medicinales sin prescripción médica. En estudiantes de medicina es una práctica común y puede asociarse con efectos adversos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de automedicación con antibióticos y analgésicos en estudian...
Resumen El respeto por la vida humana es central en el acto médico. En pacientes terminales, los síntomas refractarios son nicho de sedación paliativa. Este artículo identifica, a partir de evidencia científica, la sobrevida en pacientes con sedación paliativa en comparación con aquellos que no la...
La reacción a medicamentos con eosinofilia y síntomas sistémicos (Dress) es una toxicodermia con alto riesgo de letalidad y cuya patogénesis es poco clara, que se asocia con fiebre, linfadenopatías, afección visceral y alteraciones hematológicas que generalmente incluyen eosinofilia. Se presenta e...