Objective. This work sought to develop the Actuasalud platformas a useful tool for nursing that permits assessing health, in term of frailty, in population over 65 years of age. Methods. For the design and development of Actuasalud, two working groups were formed: one from nursing with differ...
Objective. To determine the effect of self-distancing, self-transcendence, and family functioning on self-care agency in Mexican older adults. Methods. Correlational-explanatory design, with a sample of 253 elderly, collecting data through a simple random sampling. A personal data questionna...
Introduction. Medications are a fundamental part of the treatment of multiple pathologies. However, despite their benefits, some are considered potentially inappropriate medications for older people given their safety profile. Epidemiological data differences related to potentially inappropriate medicati...
Introduction: With aging, there is an increased risk of suffering from different chronic diseases, including high blood pressure. Hypertension management must be carried out by health professionals, whether or not treatment involves medication. By controlling drug treatment, especially adherence, serious...
Objective. To analyze the effectiveness of an educational intervention among nursing professionals and caregivers to prevent urinary tract infections in institutionalized elderly people. Methods. this is a quasi-experimental study carried out with 20 people (7 nurses and 13 ...
Introdução: a associação entre a diminuição da atividade física e o isolamento social já foi descrita na literatura, entretanto a relação do nível de adesão dos idosos às medidas protetivas durante a pandemia da covid-19 e os efeitos ocasionados pela inatividade física na condic...
Introduction: Violence against older adults is a public health problem, being camouflaged in society due to the relationship between aggressors and victims. Objective: To analyze the profile of violence against older person in Brazil according to data from Brazilian capitals between 2011 and 2019, emphas...
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the efficacy and safety of flexible ureteroscopy (F-URS) for the management of intrarenal or proximal ureteral lithiasis in aged patients.
Materials and methods: In this retrospective, multicenter observational study, we collected the anonymized cli...
Introduction: The functional status of older adults (OA) is usually used as an indicator of their health. Increased dependence raises the need for an informal caregiver (IC), leading to a state of work overload, which was frequently observed during the COVID-19 confinement. Objective: To assess the relat...
Introduction: Depression in older adults in an important aspect since it affects significantly their health and quality of life. As people age, they may experience physical, emotional, and social changes that make them more susceptible to depression. Based on estimations from the World Health Organizatio...