El miedo y la ansiedad son emociones que casi siempre se presentan en las visitas al odontólogo, especialmente durante el momento de la anestesia. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el grado de ansiedad tanto del niño como la de sus padres durante la anestesia dental. ...
Abstract The illegal use of liquid silicone products or biopolymers in gluteal augmentation procedures is giving rise to multiple complications, with a significant negative health impact, both in the short and long-term. The migration of polymers to the sacral and lumbar region represents a major limitat...
Abstract Introduction Information regarding the clinical behavior and the anesthetic and perioperative management in pregnant patients with SARS-CoV-2 is starting to appear in the literature in the form of case reports or case series. However, strong evidence and recommendations are still limited. Obje...
Tolosa-Pérez, Hugo;
Gómez-Santamaría, Sebastián;
Quintana-Puerta, Laura;
Bedoya-López, Miguel Andrés;
Echeverri-Restrepo, Nicolás;
Gallo-Parra, Alejandra;
Redondo-Morales, Leyla Margarita;
Urrego, Clara;
Jaramillo, José Raúl;
Roldán, Carolina Franco;
Arias, José Hugo;
Socha, Nury Isabel.
Abstract Introduction: Post-anesthetic complications, particularly respiratory complications, continue to be a source of concern due to their high frequency, particularly in pediatrics. Objective: To describe the incidence of respiratory complications in the post-anesthesia care unit of an intermediate...
Edema Pulmonar,
Espasmo Bronquial,
Estudios de Cohortes,
Insuficiencia Respiratoria,
Paro Cardíaco,
Personal de Enfermería,
Abstract Several findings paved the way to the use of the spinal approach for anesthesia. Information about the originators and dates of their discoveries is controversial. According to personal communications, doctors Juan Bautista Montoya y Flórez, in Medellín, and Lisandro Leyva, in Bogotá, in 1904...
Abstract Radical penectomy (RP) is infrequently performed as it is reserved for specific cases of penile cancer, hence the paucity of reports regarding surgical and anesthetic considerations. Acute postoperative pain, chronic post-surgical pain, concomitant mood disorders as well as a profound impact on ...
Neoplasias del Pene/cirugía,
Calidad de Vida,
Dolor Postoperatorio,
Enfermedad Coronaria,
Manejo del Dolor,
Neoplasias del Pene,
Sulfato de Magnesio,
Transfusión Sanguínea,
Trastorno Depresivo
Abstract Perioperative morbidity and mortality are high among patients in the extremes of life undergoing anesthesia. Complications in children occur mainly as a result of airway management-related events such as difficult approach, laryngospasm, bronchospasm and severe hypoxemia, which may result in car...
En la actualidad, los bifosfonatos son utilizados en la población pediátrica con diagnóstico de osteogénesis imperfecta, desórdenes neuromusculares, displasia ósea, displasia fibrosa, osteoporosis idiopática juvenil, enfermedad de Crohn y trastornos reumatoló...
Abstract Introduction: Postoperative nausea and vomiting are frequent adverse effects of anesthesia and surgery. Impact is greater in pediatric populations compared to adults and the reported incidences are heterogeneous. Objective: To describe the incidence of postoperative vomiting in a pediatric pop...
Introducción: La necesidad quirúrgica en el contexto de la pandemia actual ocasionada por la enfermedad COVID-19 puede ser de riesgo para los profesionales de la salud. Por esto, se considera que para las enfermedades urgentes que requieren intervención quirúrgica se deben tomar decisiones según las...