Results: 9

Malignant hyperthermia: what we may need to have at hand

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 49 (4), 2021
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is often neglected in anesthesia because of its rare incidence (around 1:100,000 general anesthetics). However, when it occurs, it becomes the anesthesiologist's nightmare. In the United States, Canada, and in most European countries, it is mandatory to store dantrolene wherev...

Toward the "next normal": An opportunity to unlearn and reflect about life, death, and our mental health during the pandemic

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 49 (3), 2021
While pondering about a way to convey a message of hope, kindness and solidarity to my anesthesiology colleagues and to all the healthcare professionals and workers in Colombia and around the world, who are in the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, I realized - once again- the severe impact it has had ...

Anesthesia assessment in the era of competences: state of the art

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (3), 2020
Abstract Introduction: Anesthesiology requires procedure fulfillment, problem, and real-time crisis resolution, problem, and complications forecast, among others; therefore, the evaluation of its learning should center around how students achieve competence rather than solely focusing on knowledge acqui...

Economic analysis in anesthesiology in Colombia

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (2), 2020
In this era of a technological revolution in the health arena, we are constantly being confronted with new interventions for disease diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation. No health system is immune to challenges when it comes to cover high demand for resources required for these innovations which are ...

Gender gap in anesthesiology in Colombia

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (2), 2020
A group discussion was held during the XXXIII Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology under the title of "Women as pioneers and leaders in anesthesiology" in which the topic of discussion was the gender gap and its social and cultural backdrop.1 Based on the National Higher Education Information System we r...

Safe use of dipyrone

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (1), 2020
As relates to the recently published Editorial of the Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology (Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología) entitled "Has the time come to restrict the clinical use of dipyrone?,"1 we agree with the author regarding the regulatory steps that must be adopted on the use not only of di...

The 45th anniversary of the Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 46 (4), 2018
We are celebrating the 45th anniversary of consistent publication of the Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology, after overcoming several challenges with regard to its inclusion and positioning, striving to meet quality and technological requirements of other world class journals. Notwithstanding its accomp...