La granulomatosis con poliangitis (GPA) es una vasculitis de pequeño vaso, está asociada a anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA), compromete principalmente el tracto respiratorio superior y el compromiso gastrointestinal está presente de un 4-20 %. Sin embargo, la isquemia mesentérica es ...
La poliangeítis microscópica (PAM) es una vasculitis autoinmune caracterizada por la inflamación de los vasos sanguíneos de pequeño calibre y la presencia de anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA). Clínicamente se caracteriza por presentar glomerulonefrit...
Abstract IgA nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis, in which less than 10% of patients have a rapid decline of renal function. The histological findings of this group resemble those of vasculitis, with presence of crescents and fibrinoid necrosis. The coexistence of IgA nephropathy and neutro...
Absctrat Endocarditis associated with antiPR3 ANCA and acute kidney injure generates a challenge in its diagnosis and treatment. In order to make a review about that combination, we presented a patient with necrotizing glomerulonephritis produced by a Enterococcus faecalis's subacute endocarditis and ant...