Results: 3

Cyclooxygenase biology in renal function - literature review

Abstract The cyclooxygenase (COX) exists in two main isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2, which are present in the renal system to ensure its homeostasis. However, in different clinical situations, these enzymes can play a physiologic role in maintaining the integrity of this organ, and also be associated with the...

Biología del aprendizaje

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 41 (supl.1), 2012
El esfuerzo por correlacionar el funcionamiento mental con el biológico ha oscilado entre dos doctrinas: una intenta explicar el funcionamiento mental como una propiedad colectiva del cerebro y la otra relaciona procesos mentales con regiones específicas del encéfalo. El artículo recorre las principa...

Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi: An update

Infectio; 16 (1), 2012
Chagas disease, an illness caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is clinically and epidemiologically important in Latin America, and particularly in Brazil. This article presents the main biological characteristics of Trypanosoma cruzi, emphasizing ultrastructural, morphological, evolutionary, trans...