Objective. From my experience as a member of the editorial board of the journal Investigación y Educación en EnfermerÃa, the implications and scope of participating in this entity and the mutual and reciprocal benefits of this academic interaction between members of the editoria...
Resumen de la edición de la revista el primer número del 2023 de Medicina UPB que contiene 12 manuscritos: cinco de ellos son investigaciones origi-nales, cinco son revisiones narrativas y dos son reportes de casos...
According to Professor Alejandro Jadad in his article "Toward the 'next normal': An opportunity to unlearn and reflect about life, death, and our mental health during the pandemic," 1 Which of the following feelings is perhaps the most important source of unhappiness at the end of life?...
A safety culture is needed in healthcare institutions in order to offer patients and staff the right protective conditions that can lead to a maximum reduction in potential adverse events and complications. Which of the following operational definitions describes a clinical incident or near-miss?...
In 2019, the Pan-American Federation of Medical Schools (Fepafem, in Spanish), signed a declaration stating that education institutions must promote dynamic, top-quality, competency-based training processes. The name of that declaration is...
La cadena tradicional de producción de conocimiento que parte de la elaboración de investigación, pasa por los procesos de evaluación y se concreta en la publicación, está incluida a su vez en bases de datos que forjan diversa información de usos de nuevo conocimiento, acompañada por la generaciÃ...
La práctica de enfermerÃa hoy en dÃa es compleja y cambiante. Como Frenk et al. (1) notan, la educación en ciencias de salud ha experimentado cambios fundamentales durante el siglo pasado; de un enfoque basado en ciencia, a currÃculos basados en problemas, hasta currÃculos basados en sistemas y com...