Results: 2

Dipyrone (metamizole), overrated risks?

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (4), 2019
In their editorial, Gómez-Duarte1 suggests that the association of dipyrone with multiple adverse effects should lead to reconsider its use. We are of the opinion that such position neglects part of the available evidence, although we recognize that based on such evidence different views arise with rega...

Dipyrone-related granulocytopenia. Case report

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 46 (4), 2018
Abstract Introduction: Dipyrone has been positioned in several countries as one of the first over-the-counter options for pain management. Its possible adverse effects are known worldwide; among them, agranulocytosis is the most lethal, with a mortality of approximately 10% and an associated risk of 1 p...