Results: 2

Distrofia muscular de Becker con duplicación en el exón 5 del gen DMD

Repert. med. cir; 28 (2), 2019
Las distrofinopatías son un grupo de enfermedades ligadas al cromosoma X que abarcan diferentes entidades, siendo las más importantes la distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) y la de Becker (DMB). Están causadas por mutaciones en el gen de la distrofina (gen DMD) localizado en el ...

Ischemic stroke in a young patient due to protein S deficiency in the context of muscular dystrophy - case report

A 19-year-old woman with a 6-year history, consisting of frequent falls and weakness due to loss of strength in the lower extremities. During the last 10 hours, she presented a sudden episode of left hemiplegia, deviation of the labial commissure to the right, dysarthria and four emetic episodes. She was...