Results: 12

Anesthetic considerations and postoperative pain management in radical penectomy: Case report

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 49 (3), 2021
Abstract Radical penectomy (RP) is infrequently performed as it is reserved for specific cases of penile cancer, hence the paucity of reports regarding surgical and anesthetic considerations. Acute postoperative pain, chronic post-surgical pain, concomitant mood disorders as well as a profound impact on ...

Efecto de una intervención educativa de enfermería para reducir el dolor en el paciente con revascularización miocárdica durante el posoperatorio ambulatorio
Effect of an educational nursing intervention to reduce pain in patients with myocardial revascularization during the outpatient postoperative period

Introducción: Las necesidades que experimentan los pacientes en el postoperatorio de cirugía cardiaca van desde lo fisiológico hasta la esfera emocional. A nivel fisiológico el dolor es una necesidad insatisfecha, que repercute en otras necesidades como el sueño y la actividad física, el estado de ...

Efficacy of paravertebral block techniques in thoracic surgery: systematic literature review

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (1), 2020
Abstract Introduction: Postoperative pain in thoracic surgery in adults is usually severe, and to control it there are many analgesic methods that include paravertebral blockade (PVB). Until now, there is no clarity on which is the most effective technique to perform this blockade. Objective: To descri...

Dipyrone (metamizole), overrated risks?

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (4), 2019
In their editorial, Gómez-Duarte1 suggests that the association of dipyrone with multiple adverse effects should lead to reconsider its use. We are of the opinion that such position neglects part of the available evidence, although we recognize that based on such evidence different views arise with rega...

Use of the bilateral erector spinae (ESP) block for postoperative analgesia following the removal of the Nuss bar: case report

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (3), 2019
Abstract Introduction: The erector spinae plane (ESP) block is a relatively new interfascial block about which several applications have been described, both in abdominal and thoracic surgical procedures. Case presentation: A 17-year old patient programed for removal of a Nuss bar through mini-thoracot...

Effectiveness of nursing educational interventions in managing post-surgical pain. Systematic review

Invest. educ. enferm; 37 (2), 2019
Abstract Objective. Analyze and integrate studies that inquire on the benefits of nursing educational interventions to manage post-surgical pain. Methods. A systematic search was conducted in the databases of Scopus, Medline (Pubmed), Web of Science, The Cochrane Library, and CINAHL of systematic reviews...

Effectiveness and safety of exclusive spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine versus femoral sciatic block during the postoperative period of patients having undergone knee arthroscopy: systematic review

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (1), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Spinal anesthesia (SA) and sciatic-femoral nerve block are the most widely used anesthesia techniques for knee arthroscopy; however, there is still some controversy with regard to which anesthetic procedure offers improved safety, better pain control, and higher patient satisfacti...

Recubrimiento del lecho amigdalino en amigdalectomía intracapsular. Reporte de técnica quirúrgica

El recubrimiento del lecho amigdalino se trata de un procedimiento coadyuvante y sencillo ya descrito por varios autores con diferencias en la técnica que ocupa unos cuantos minutos más en la cirugía amigdalina tradicional, pero que representa en la experiencia de muchos un aporte para la pronta cicat...

Anesthesia for intrauterine myelomeningocele correction: first successful experience in Peru. Case report

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 46 (4), 2018
Abstract Introduction: In pregnancies with a diagnosis of fetal myelomeningocele (MMC), studies have shown that prenatal correction, as compared with postnatal correction, results in better outcomes in infancy, requiring less ventriculoperitoneal shunts, and resulting in improved motor function of the l...

Eficacia del uso de Música en la reducción del dolor durante el postoperatorio de cirugía cardíaca
Efficacy of the use of music in reducing pain during the postoperative period of cardiac surgery

Introducción: el dolor agudo durante el período postoperatorio de cirugía cardiaca es uno de los principales síntomas referidos por los pacientes, y su manejo inadecuado está asociado con complicaciones de tipo cardiovascular, respiratorio, inmunológico, infeccioso, entre otras. Objetivo: Determina...