Results: 3

The quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis in Portugal

Introduction: Multiple sclerosis significantly affects the quality of life of those suffering from this specific condition. Objective: To assess the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis and analyse the correlation between the disease and its associated effects and different sociodemographic,...

Mielitis Transversa Análisis Clínico y Revisión de Caso

Rev. med. Risaralda; 24 (2), 2018
Resumen: La mielitis transversa es una enfermedad inflamatoria y desmielinizante aguda o subaguda que se desarrolla en ausencia de afectación neurológica previa y compromete las vías sensitiva y motora además del control autónomo de la medula espinal. El cuadro se presenta como un dolor lumbar local...

Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Case presentation

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a rare demyelinating disease (prevalence 1:40,000), also called arylsulfatase A deficiency (ARS-A), which may present with neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Clinical assessment may be difficult, due to unspecific signs and symptoms. A case is presented ...