Results: 6

Impacto en los resultados en salud de la telesalud aplicada para la atención y seguimiento ambulatorio del alto riesgo obstétrico: revisión narrativa de la literatura

Med. U.P.B; 43 (2), 2024
Esta revisión examina la literatura sobre el impacto de la telesalud aplicada en modelos de atención en salud ambulatorios sobre los resultados en salud (funcionales, costos, satisfacción y calidad de vida) en población gestante de alto riesgo. Dada la heterogeneidad en los métodos de estudio, las t...

Analysis of health outcomes in acute myocardial infarction: A value-based healthcare approach

Introduction: Understanding the impact of value-based healthcare and various healthcare payment models on the health outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is pivotal for guiding clinical strategies and decisions. Objective: To compare health outcomes and costs associated with health...

Effectiveness, safety and implementation results of the strategies aimed at the safe prescription of medications in university hospitals in adult patients. Systematic review

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 49 (4), 2021
Abstract Introduction A broad range of practices aimed at improving the effectives and safety of this process have been documented over the past few years. Objective To establish the effectiveness, safety and results of the implementation of these strategies in adult patients in university hospitals. ...

Criterios para la construcción de un instrumento de evaluación funcional en pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular

Resumen Introducción: Ninguna escala simple, por diseño, es lo suficientemente abarcadora para evaluar de forma integral la función motora de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV); sin embargo, es posible la selección de una batería de ellas para controlar las distintas etapas del proceso ...

A brief homophobia scale in medical students from two universities: Results of a refinement process

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: The process of evaluating measurement scales is an ongoing procedure that requires revisions and adaptations according to the characteristics of the participants. The Homophobia Scale of seven items (EHF-7) has showed acceptable performance in medical students attending to two univ...

Nursing outcome "Severity of infection": conceptual definitions for indicators related to respiratory problems

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (1), 2016
Objective.Build conceptual definitions for some indicators of the nursing outcome Infection Severity in the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) related to respiratory problems, based on scientific evidence of signs and symptoms of infection in adults. Methods. Integrative literature review with search ...