Results: 3

Fear and Coping with Death in Intensive Care Nurses: a Structural Model Predictor of Compassion Fatigue

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. To determine the effect of fear and coping with death on compassion fatigue in nurses working in the intensive care unit. Methods. Correlational-predictive design, applied in 245 nurses working in the intensive care unit through intentional sampling. The study applie...

Carga mental en personal de enfermería: Una revisión integradora

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 17 (3), 2020
Introducción: Los profesionales de enfermería están expuestos constantemente a situaciones que generan carga como consecuencia del esfuerzo físico, mental, emocional y económico del cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar a través de la literatura científica el concepto de “Carga Mental en enfermeras”,...

Physiological and Subjective Responses Associated to Physical and Mental Load in a Simulated Task

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá); 16 (spe), 2018
Abstract Objective: To develop a quasi-experimental study to know the changes in physiological responses and perceived efforts of a group of fifteen healthy students that performed a simulated task related with the operation of a CNC lathe in a lab environment. Materials and Methods: The participants...