Results: 3

Acute mesenteric thrombosis in a pregnant woman with Factor V Leiden mutation with a history of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: case report and literature review

Objectives: To report the case of a patient diagnosed with acute mesenteric vein thrombosis (AMVT) associated with Factor V Leiden mutation and a history of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer and review the literature on risk factors and treatments performed for AMVT. Materials and methods: We r...

Falla renal aguda asociada a síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica

Acta méd. colomb; 41 (1), 2016
El síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica es una complicación frecuente que se puede presentar en pacientes que reciben tratamientos de inducción de la ovulación y como consecuencia pueden desarrollar un síndrome edematoso grave con falla de uno o varios órganos; presentamos el caso de una pacient...

Lymphotherapy induce an increase of blocking factors and correct infertility problems

NOVA publ. cient; 11 (19), 2013
This study aimed to confirm the presence of Blocking Factors (BFs) in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture (MLC) from female normal reproducer and sub-fertile rabbit inoculated with two injection of the allogenic lymphotherapy (LIT) to analyze its effect on rate fertility and pregnancy success. The BFs measuring was...