Results: 8

Vocal tract physiology and its MRI evaluation

Introduction. The rapid technological evolution in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has recently offered a great opportunity for the analysis of voice production.Objectives. This article is aimed to describe main physiological principles at the base of voice production (in particular of voc...

Can a natural singing voice be enhanced through digital processing? Implications of voice training and vocology in singers

Introduction. The traditional way of facilitating a good singing voice has been achieved through rigorous voice training. In the modern days, however, there are some aspects of the singing voice that can be enhanced through digital processing. Although in the past, the freq...

Telepráctica de la Terapia Vocal: una ref lexión sobre su aplicación a partir del COVID-19

El manejo de la pandemia por COVID-19 ha generado grandes cambios sociales y mundiales. Uno de ellos, debido al distanciamiento social, ha sido la incorporación de la telepráctica de la terapia vocal en países que tenían poco o nulo conocimiento de ella. Este artículo tiene el propósito de reflexio...

Translation and Adaptation of the Vocal Fatigue Index into Spanish

Aim: the purpose of this study was to translate and adapt the English version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) into the Spanish language. Methods: the English version of the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) was translated into Spanish by two bilingual speech-language pathologists, and then was ba...

Avances en la descripción del habla de personas con fisura labio-palatina

Este artículo recopila información sobre los avances investigativos en la descripción de las producciones de habla de personas con fisura labiopalatina, para dar a conocer el campo de la fonética clínica en la formación de los fonoaudiólogos. En este texto se explora un estudio de caso de un sujet...