Results: 4

Fatores associados à adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso de afrodescendentes hipertensos residentes em comunidade quilombola: um estudo transversal
Factors associated to adherence to hypertensive medicinal treatment for african descent people resident in quilombola community: a cross-sectional study

Introduction: Hypertension is a severe public health problem, especially in African descent people, such as those living in quilombos. Drug adherence helps reducing blood pressure levels. However, little is known about the factors related to drug adherence in hypertensive people living in the urban quilo...

Exploración del contexto y las necesidades de educación en salud en un grupo indígena uitoto en Bogotá

Repert. med. cir; 29 (2), 2020
Introducción: Colombia es un país multiétnico y multilingüe con seis millones (14%) de habitantes que pertenecen a grupos étnicos minoritarios, por lo que la situación actual de las comunidades indígenas ha sido precaria por las limitantes de acceso a los planes de salud. Objetiv...

Negative stereotypes: an analysis of Social Cognition in different ethnic groups. Social cognition of stereotypes

rev. psicogente; 22 (42), 2019
Abstract Introduction: The processes related to social cognitions contribute as a traumatic and stressful event for some ethnic and minority groups, causing a series of psychic suffering in individuals. Social cognition considered stereotypes as characteristics of a group included in its mental represe...

Suicide in the Indigenous Population of Latin America: A Systematic Review

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (4), 2017
Abstract Objective: Due to the high rates of suicide reported among many ethnic minorities, a systematic review is presented on suicide in indigenous populations of Latin America. Methods: Systematic review in PubMed, Scopus, PsycNET, SciELO and Scholar Google. Results: From an initial total of 1862 ...