Results: 3

Mycetoma caused by Phellinus species: a rare case from Brazil

Infectio; 25 (3), 2021
Abstract Mycetoma is a chronic and slow-developing granulomatous disease characterized by the triad of large painless tumour-like subcutaneous swellings, the formation of sinuses, and discharge that usually contains grains. Phellinus spp. are saprophytic wood-decaying filamentous basidiomycetes. They are...

Colombian consensus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Candida Spp. disease in children and adults,

Infectio; 23 (3), 2019
Invasive Candidiasis (IC) and candidemia (as its most frequent manifestation) have become the main cause of opportunistic mycosis at hospital settings. This study, made by members of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN), was aimed at providing a set of recommendations for the managemen...

Micosis rino-orbito-cerebral: coinfección por Aspergillus sclerotiorum y Rhizopus microsporum en un huésped inmunosuprimido. Reporte de un caso

Infectio; 23 (1), 2019
Las micosis rino-cerebral, rino-orbito-cerebral y sinusopulmonar ocasionadas por especies de Mucorales y de Aspergillus se constituyen como una causa importan te de infección fúngica invasora asociada a una mortalidad mayor al 30%. La coinfección por dos o más especies en la forma rino-orbito-cerebra...