Results: 7

Teaching Competencies in Nursing Professors: Visions of Students and Academics

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (3), 2023
Objective. This work sought to know the view of Nursing professors and students about the competencies the faculty staff must have to deploy their educational function with maximum quality and efficiency. Methods. Descriptive qualitative study through focus groups conducted with professors, ...

Panorama de la producción investigativa de enfermería en Colombia
Panorama of nursing research production in Colombia

La investigación ha marcado un antes y un después para la enfermería, lo que ha permitido mostrar al mundo el cuidado como objeto de la disciplina desde los diferentes campos de desempeño de la profesión, así como el trabajo interdisciplinario con otras profesiones que se complementan, para lograr ...

The effects of mobile-based education on nurse self-concept among nursing students: an embedded mixed methods study

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. This study evaluates the effects of mobile-based education (MBE) on nurse self-concept (NSC) among nursing students. Methods. This embedded mixed methods study was conducted in 2020–2021 in a main quantitative phase and a supplementary qualitative phase. In the q...

El cuidado real frente a la vulnerabilidad del estudiante de enfermería

Univ. salud; 24 (1), 2022
Introducción: El intercambio de experiencias con pares en la práctica diaria permite al estudiante el aprendizaje del cuidado de enfermería. Objetivo: Comprender las representaciones sociales del cuidado, construidas desde el cotidiano del estudiante de enfermería mexicano. Materiales y métodos:...

Nursing Course on Drug Addiction and its Effects on Beliefs and Intentions: A Quasi-experimental Study

Aquichan; 20 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the impact of a course aimed at the care of persons with drug dependence on the beliefs and intentions of drug use among bachelor nursing students. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study conducted with a non-equivalent comparison group composed of 210 Mexic...

Aspectos pedagógicos en la formación de Enfermería: Revisión integrativa
Pedagogic Aspects in Nursing Education: Integrative Review

Invest. educ. enferm; 36 (3), 2018
Objective. To know the current state of development of the thematic area of nursing education related with professional training and to determine the research trends. Methods. Descriptive integrative review, which conducted a search in databases limited from 2005 to 2016, using MeSH and DeCS terms, like ...

Pensamiento reflexivo del estudiante de enfermería en su prácticum clínico

Investig. enferm; 19 (1), 2017
Objetivos: Describir cómo emergen los procesos de pensamiento reflexivo del estudiante de enfermería ante situaciones clínicas en su prácticum clínico. Método: Investigación cualitativa, hermenéutico-fenomenológica, realizada en la asignatura Prácticum Hospitalario II durante las prácticas cl...