Introducción: las infecciones profundas del cuello son patologías complejas con gran potencial de complicaciones graves, que, debido a su ubicación pueden ser de difícil reconocimiento y manejo. Es de gran importancia realizar un diagnóstico asertivo y ofrecer el tratamiento adecuado para poder dism...
Introducción: el edema pulmonar posobstructivo (EPPO), o por presión negativa, es
una entidad potencialmente mortal, que se desarrolla inmediatamente luego de una
obstrucción severa de la vía aérea superior. Materiales y métodos: descripción de
una serie de 4 casos de EPPO ocurridos en niños, 3 d...
Abstract Perioperative morbidity and mortality are high among patients in the extremes of life undergoing anesthesia. Complications in children occur mainly as a result of airway management-related events such as difficult approach, laryngospasm, bronchospasm and severe hypoxemia, which may result in car...
Abstract Biological risks are currently of great interest and concern due to the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic. In this setting, the exposure of anesthetists and healthcare personnel to patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 in their professional prac...
Abstract Introduction: In the management of the anticipated difficult airway (DA), awake intubation is the strategy of choice. In this context, flexible fibroscopy is the tool most widely used as the first choice. However, there is always the rare case where it may fail. Important findings: Six success...
Abstract Reinforced endotracheal tubes (ETTs) are regularly applied in anesthetic practices to prevent compression or kinking. Although these tubes are designed to bend easily and prevent obstruction, they still carry a potential hazard of being obstructed following external forces. In this article, we r...
Generalidades. Desde diciembre de 2019 se detectó una nueva infección respiratoria, causada por el virus denominado SARS-CoV-2, decretada posteriormente como pandemia, lo cual ha exigido al personal de salud replantear la forma de prestar sus servicios en salud y garantizar la auto-protec...
Abstract Introduction: The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is a device for airway management that is easy to insert, safe, and efficient. However, there are associated complications that can lead to important patient morbidity and mortality, as ventilator failure, can occur with reported incidence between 0...
Abstract Introduction: Airway-related problems are the most common perioperative complications in pediatric anesthesia and, among them, the most significant is laryngospasm. The type of device used to secure the airway has been found to be among the factors responsible for this outcome. Objective: To d...
Anestesia General,
Equipos y Suministros,
Factores de Riesgo,
Manejo de la Vía Aérea,
Máscaras Laríngeas,
Paro Cardíaco,
Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos,
Los médicos responsables del manejo de la vía aérea en urgencias se pueden beneficiar de una capacitación específica para ese fin, como lo es el curso de Apoyo Integral Respiratorio en Emergencias (AIRE). Objetivos: Establecer si la capacitación ofrecida por el curso AIRE genera cambios en la técn...