Ketamine sedation for orthopedic procedures in a high complexity emergency service: a descriptive study
Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 46 (4), 2018
Abstract Introduction: Rapid recovery and low cost are among the benefits of ketamine for emergency sedation. It has been excluded as the first choice because of the associated adverse events. Objective: To describe the adverse events associated with the use of ketamine in a high-complexity emergency s...
Sedación Consciente, Alucinaciones, Cirujanos Ortopédicos, Cánula, Extremidad Superior, Ketamina, Midazolam, Preparaciones Farmacéuticas, Procedimientos Ortopédicos, Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital, Tecnología de Bajo Costo, Urgencias Médicas, Vómitos, Manipulación Ortopédica, Epidemiología Descriptiva