Results: 2

Density spectral array during the intra and postoperative of a left frontal craniotomy

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (3), 2019
Abstract We present the case of an adult with an extensive left frontal meningioma. He was scheduled for resection by craniotomy. During the surgery we used the density spectral array (DSA) and asymmetry obtained from Bispectral Index VISTA Monitoring System Bilateral. We observed a power increase in low...

Evaluation of a closed-loop intravenous total anesthesia delivery system with BIS monitoring compared to an open-loop target-controlled infusion (TCI) system: randomized controlled clinical trial

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (2), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Intravenous general anesthesia is an anesthetic technique that can be administered with TCI (target-controlled infusion) or closed-loop systems. The authors designed an automatic delivery system using clinical variables such as bispectral index (BIS), heart rate, and blood pressur...