Results: 3

Síntomas vasomotores en la menopausia: una mirada a la fisiología
Vasomotor symptoms in menopause: a look to physiology

Rev. colomb. menopaus; 26 (2), 2020
En este artículo colocamos en contexto la edad y el envejecimiento, incluimos la menopausia como desarrollo en la edad media de la mujer y examinamos detenidamente la fisiología del eje gonadal a la luz de los últimos descubrimientos del inicio de la menstruación, su desarrollo hasta la etapa de la t...

Cannabis: A cognitive illusion

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (2), 2017
Abstract Introduction: The vision of cannabis as a soft drug is due to the low risk perception that young and old people have of the drug. This perception is based on erroneous beliefs that people have about the drug. Objective: To compare the beliefs of cannabis use and consequences among adolescent...

Characterization of a murine neuron-enriched model of primary trigeminal ganglia cultures to study the interferon-β antiviral effect against Herpes Simplex Virus type 1

Infectio; 18 (2), 2014
Objective: To characterize a neuron-enriched primary TG culture and evaluate interferon- β expression and activity after HSV-1 infection. Materials and methods: The percentage of neurons present in cultures was assessed by neurofilament immunocytochemistry. Cultures were treated with interferon- &be...