Results: 18

Monitoring of food handlers and their influence on the preparation of ready-to-eat foods

Univ. salud; 26 (1), 2024
Introduction: Transmission of foodborne pathogens is related to inadequate sanitary conditions, which are derived from either the food preparation process or the person who prepares it. Food handlers are essential to preserve food innocuousness and protect consumer’s health. Objective: To evaluate demo...

Conocimiento de los costarricenses sobre parasitosis en la población infantil

Medicina UPB; 41 (2), 2022
Objetivo: los parásitos son organismos que viven en el interior o sobre otra especie para su propio beneficio. Logran afectar plantas, animales y humanos. Los niños son más vulnerables a infectarse, pero la incidencia ha disminuido en Costa Rica gracias a la mejora en salubridad. El objetivo de este e...

Prevalencia de Dientamoeba fragilisy otros protozoários intestinales en porcinos de una granja en la región Andina de Colombia

Rev. med. vet. zoot; 69 (2), 2022
RESUMEN Dientamoeba fragilis es un protozoário que parasita el intestino grueso del hombre y animales domésticos. Hasta el momento, aún no son claros aspectos de su ciclo de vida, como el rango de hospedadores, reservorios, mecanismo de infección, entre otros. Se postula que el cerdo es un hospedador...

Microorganisms causing of clinical pathologies in canines and domestic felines in Valledupar, Colombia

Rev. med. vet. zoot; 68 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT The pathologies caused by microbial groups generate health risks in domestic dogs and cats; showing a zoonotic potential and producing affections in humans. According to that background, the purpose of this study was to establish the main microorganisms causing clinical pathologies in domestic d...

Parásitos gastrointestinales en mamíferos silvestres cautivos en el Centro de Fauna de San Emigdio, Palmira (Colombia)

Rev. med. vet. zoot; 67 (3), 2020
RESUMEN La parasitosis intestinal en mamíferos silvestres es una de las principales complicaciones debido a las condiciones exógenas del cautiverio; predisponen al animal a complicaciones fisiológicas o infecciones secundarias que impiden su rehabilitación y reintroducción. El objetivo de esta inves...

Intestinal coccidian: an overview epidemiologic worldwide and Colombia

Infectio; 24 (2), 2020
Intestinal coccidia have been classified as protozoa of the Apicomplex phylum, with the presence of an intracellular behavior and adaptation to the habit of the intestinal mucosa, related to several parasites that can cause enteric infections in humans, generating especially complications in immunocompet...

Screening for intestinal parasites in adults from three different regions of Colombia

Infectio; 23 (1), 2019
Intestinal parasitosis (IP) is a public health problem in developing countries affecting one fourth of the global population. IP are common studied in children, ne glecting the adults that are also at high risk and source of transmission. A screening study was performed with a convenience sample in three...

Identificación de bacterias y parásitos asociados a la materia fecal de diferentes ejemplares de Equus ferus caballus de Salento, departamento del Quindío

Las enfermedades de origen zoonótico han sido gravemente descuidadas en países en vía de desarrollo, sin tener en cuenta que esto puede tener graves implicaciones a nivel de salud pública, particularmente para Colombia, en las últimas décadas se han dado fuertes cambios sociales que han implicado, ...

Foodborne parasites in Colombia: [Editorial]

Infectio; 22 (3), 2018
This number of Infectio includes the first report of Anisakis in edible fish in the Colombian pacific coast. Anisakidiasis has become an increasing threat given the extensive consumption of Sushi and raw fish worldwide as consequence of a global fad food. This report of Anisakis in 42% of the most popula...

First reporting of Anisakis sp. in the Armed Snook fish (Centropomus armatus) caught and commercialized in Buenaventura, Colombia

Infectio; 22 (3), 2018
Objective: Nematodes of the Anisakidae family are parasites found in aquatic organisms. The lack of studies on anisakidosis and Anisakis in Colombia has meant this type of parasitosis is not widely known by health personnel and underreporting of the disease is highly likely. The objective of this study ...