Cervical kyphoscoliosis is an uncommon spinal deformity. Kyphosis or outward curvature of cervical-spine (Image A) has led to a fixed flexion state resulting in suspension of patient's head in the air while lying on the imaging table. Additionally, dextroscoliosis or rightward convexity of the cervical v...
Resumen Los pacientes refieren sus síntomas en una gran variedad de términos como: "estoy cansado", "me duelen las articulaciones", "me pica todo el cuerpo", "tengo la boca seca", entre otros. Ante estos síntomas el médico piensa de manera automática en un número limitado de patologías que le son ...
Abstract Interscalene block (ISB) is the brachial plexus approach most frequently used in shoulder surgery, providing better postoperative analgesia and reducing the need for rescue morphine compared to general anesthesia. While it is considered a safe block, it has been associated with a relatively high...
Abstract Hyponatremia is one of the adverse effects in patients treated with oxcarbazepine. This can be seen masked by multiple symptoms which are simply attributable to other diseases, but we must always keep it in mind in a patient with a history of taking that medication. Many of patients are asymptom...