Results: 92

Construction and validation of an Entrepreneurship Measurement Instrument for nursing students

Invest. educ. enferm; 42 (1), 2024
Objective. To develop a valid and reliable scale to measure entrepreneurship competences of nursing students, by assessing the level of development of diverse entrepreneurship dimensions. Methods. An Entrepreneurship Measurement Instrument, Cataloni...

Propiedades psicométricas del Índice de Bienestar General en mujeres gestantes colombianas
Psychometric properties of the General Well-being Index in Colombian pregnant women

Av. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objetivo: explorar la estructura y consistencia interna del Índice de Bienestar General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHO-5) en mujeres gestantes del departamento del Magdalena, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: participaron 200 mujeres entre 14 y 44 años (M = 23,52; DE = 5,93) y período de...

Validation into Spanish of a Scale to Detect the Post-intensive Care Syndrome

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. This work sought to validate the Spanish version of the scale Healthy Aging Brain-Care Monitor (HABC-M) scale as clinical tool to detect the Post-intensive Care Syndrome. Methods. Psychometric study, conducted in adult intensive care units from two high-co...

Psychometric Properties of the Causal Attributions Scale for Reading Comprehension

Av. psicol. latinoam; 41 (1), 2023
Causal attributions, achievement goals, and self-efficacy comprise the motivational dimension of self-regulated learning. Due to the absence of scales to assess the causal attributions of Brazilian middle school students, this study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Causal Attributi...

Validación de un instrumento para medir experiencias infantiles adversas en estudiantes universitarios colombianos

El objetivo del presente estudio fue adaptar culturalmente y desarrollar la versión colombiana del test Adverse Childhood Experiences y explorar sus propiedades psicométricas. Metodología: participaron cinco jueces expertos para validar el contenido de la versión adaptada y 100 estudiantes universit...

Design and Validation of a Self-care Evaluation Instrument to Prevent Diabetic Foot

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Objective. This work sought to design and validate a self-care instrument to prevent diabetic foot in Colombian adults with diabetes. Methods. Psychometric study in which an instrument was designed to measure self-care to prevent diabetic foot according to the Medium Range Theory of Self-care in chronic ...

Psychometric Properties of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory for Early Adolescent Girls

Aquichan; 22 (2), 2022
Objective: To establish the validity and dependability of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory (SSCI) for early adolescent girls in Spanish among the Colombian population of Santander. Materials and methods: Methodological study with samples used for the theoretical construct validity of the study’s dimen...

Escala de Calidez en Enfermería (ECAE): construcción y validación empírica
Nursing Warmth Scale (NWS): Development and empirical validation

Av. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Objetive: To construct and validate the Nursing Warmth Scale (NWS) through the development of a standardized measurement of nurses' warmth, perceived from the perspective of patients, and identify the behaviors and factors associated with this feeling of warmth. Materials and methods: The NWS was develop...

Validación de un instrumento para medir la dimensión científica clínica del cuidado de enfermería en UCI
Validation of an instrument to measure the clinical scientific dimension of ICU nursing care

Av Enferm; 40 (1), 2022
Objetivo: describir la validación de un instrumento que mide la dimensión científico-clínica del cuidado de enfermería en la unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI). Materiales y métodos: estudio psicométrico que determinó la validez aparente y de contenido del instrumento mediante panel de expertos, l...

Validez y confiabilidad de la versión en español del instrumento Healthy Aging Brain-Care Monitor (HABC-M) para detectar el síndrome post-cuidados intensivos

El síndrome post-cuidados intensivos (PICS) es un fenómeno de gran impacto y relevancia social en pacientes críticos. Por lo general, su detección resulta compleja debido a la gran variedad de componentes afectados (cognitivo, funcional y psicológico), además de la utilización de diversas escalas ...