COLNAL – Colombia-Nacional | COLNAL – Colombia-Nacional

Results: 3

Development of MyCheckTime® software for perioperative safety based on Toyota's Lean Methodology

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 48 (1), 2020
Abstract Introduction: In the age of healthcare safety, compliance with checklists and time tracking in surgery continue to be a gray zone in care processes. The technology applied to approach this issue and other scenarios, may contribute to solve a problem that impacts welfare and the healthcare secto...

Foodborne parasites in Colombia: [Editorial]

Infectio; 22 (3), 2018
This number of Infectio includes the first report of Anisakis in edible fish in the Colombian pacific coast. Anisakidiasis has become an increasing threat given the extensive consumption of Sushi and raw fish worldwide as consequence of a global fad food. This report of Anisakis in 42% of the most popula...

Competencia en el sector salud entre juegos de "suma cero" y de "suma positiva"

Acta méd. colomb; 38 (1), 2013
La presencia velada de posturas mercantiles en la práctica médica, arropadas bajo la sombra cómplice de argumentos que hacen ver la especialización de la atención médica como ventajosa en la carrera por alcanzar la mayor calidad en la prestación de servicios de salud a bajo costo, amerita discusiÃ...