Results: 3

Subarachnoid opioids for cesarean section. Letter to the Editor

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 49 (3), 2021
After reading the article entitled "Comparison of subarachnoid opioid mix for cesarean section" published by Isabel Osorio et al., in January 2020; I would like to make the following observations and comments. The number of patients studied (n =71) is surprising considering that the hospital where the re...

Reply to the letter to the Editor

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 49 (3), 2021
The SES-Hospital Universitario de Caldas takes care of approximately 210 deliveries per month, with an overall cesarean section rate of 32 %, of which 72 % were conducted with, or had an epidural catheter, as an extension of the analgesia delivered during labor and were therefore excluded from the trial....

Hipertensión arterial y causas de origen endocrino

Acta méd. colomb; 40 (1), 2015
La hipertensión arterial secundaria se define como la elevación de las cifras de presión arterial atribuible a una causa externa, identificable, después de una evaluación exhaustiva en la mayoría de los casos. Su prevalencia esta relacionada con las características de la población estudiada, sien...