Results: 4

Peplau's theory for telenursing with the family of patients with COVID-19

Introduction: The care challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic required nurses to have new skills in coping with health demands. In addition, this professional emerges as an important tool through the therapeutic relationship. Thus, they can be seen as a bridge of support between family members...

Comparison of the effectiveness of home visits and telephone follow-up on the self-efficacy of patients having undergone coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) and the burden of their family caregivers: A randomized controlled trial

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (1), 2022
Objective. This study aimed to compare home visits and telephone follow-up effectiveness on patients' self-efficacy undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery -CABG- and caregivers’ burden. Methods. In this randomized clinical trial, 114 patients undergoing CABG were assigned to the three groups ...

Efecto de la tele-enfermería en el mejoramiento de los hallazgos ecográficos de pacientes con enfermedades de hígado graso no alcohólico: Ensayo clínico controlado
Effect of tele-nursing in the improving of the ultrasound findings in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases: A Randomized Clinical Trial study

Invest. educ. enferm; 36 (3), 2018
Objective. To establish the effect of tele-nursing in the improving of the ultrasound findings in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Methods. In this clinical trial, 60 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver referring to specialized gastroenterology clinics affiliated to Shiraz University ...

Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en hipertensión arterial: ensayo clínico controlado

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 15 (2), 2018
Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de una estrategia de seguimiento telefónico asociado a mensajes de texto en la capacidad de agencia de autocuidado en pacientes con hipertensión arterial, que asistieron a consulta externa en una Clínica de Santander. Metodología: Se realizó un ensayo clínico con...