Results: 2

Estudio neuropsicológico de la dismorfia muscular y del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo

Univ. psychol; 17 (3), 2018
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar y comparar las funciones ejecutivas (FE) y la memoria no verbal de un grupo de varones fisicoconstructivistas con sintomatología de dismorfia muscular (DM), con un grupo de varones que presentan sintomatología del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) y u...

Environment, trauma and technical innovations: Three links between Donald W. Winnicott and Sándor Ferenczi

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (2), 2017
Abstract Throughout this paper, the theoretical and clinical approaches of D.W. Winnicott are reviewed in order to reread the written production of Sándor Ferenczi. Winnicott's clinical and theoretical concepts allow returning to Ferenczi and rescuing aspects of his work that had been silenced in the ps...