Abstract Introduction: Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are considered one of the most versatile organisms in the world as they can breed in any pool of water, such as puddles or tanks. However, their reproduction is influenced by atmospheric variables that allow predicting their population density. Obj...
El comportamiento de la rabia en animales de producción permite monitorear la circulación viral en su ciclo silvestre e identificar zonas de alto riesgo para la transmisión del virus a humanos y animales de compañía. Los departamentos que se encuentran en riesgo son la Costa Atlántica en general, N...
Desde el 2018 se realizó la integración de la vigilancia de los eventos priorizados en menores de 5 años relacionados con la mortalidad, es así como se inicio la vigilancia integrada de las muertes en menores de 5 años por infección respiratoria aguda, enfermedad diarreica aguda y desnutrición; en...
Objetive: To confirm the presence of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Lissachatina fulica individuals in Colombia. Methods: 19 individuals of L. fulica were collected in the city of Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Lung tissue was extracted and two analysis methods were used: visual identificati...
Objective. The aim of this study was to provide molecular evidence of C. burnetii in sheep and goats from some herds of Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia. Materials and methods. Fifteen herds of sheep and goats were chosen by convenience to investigate the infection by C. burnetii, during March and April of...