Estructura interna de la Escala de Conciliación Vida-Trabajo para mujeres asalariadas del noreste de México
Internal Structure of the Conciliation Scale of Family and Work Life, for women who are in paid works in the north-east of Mexico

rev. psicogente; 22 (42), 2019
Publication year: 2019

Resumen Objetivo:

Realizar la validación inicial de la estructura de la Escala de Conciliación Vida-Trabajo en mujeres insertas en el mercado laboral del noreste de México.


Se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo de corte explicativo. El muestreo fue intencional, 554 mujeres mayores de 18 años y que desempeñan actividades laborales remuneradas.

El instrumento contó con 35 reactivos organizados en ocho dimensiones:

desarrollo personal, vida familiar, vida social, cuidado personal, alimentación, actividad física, satisfacción e interferencia.


Se obtuvo la consistencia interna y el análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC). Se logró una reducción de ocho a seis dimensiones y de 35 a 25 reactivos. Una vez obtenidos estos valores, la escala tiene una adecuada estructura interna (GFI=0,867, RMSEA= 0,063) es válida y confiable (α=0,874) para evaluar el nivel de conciliación vida-familia de mujeres que se desempeñan en diferentes sectores laborales.


La gratificación, interferencia, pareja y crianza, cuidado de la salud, responsabilidades en el hogar y tiempo libre son dimensiones de la ECVT que permiten identificar la estructura de la conciliación desde la perspectiva de las mujeres trabajadoras.

Abstract Objective:

Validation of the Conciliation Scale of Family and Work Life, for women who are in the north-east of Mexico labor market.


In this research, a quantitative and explanatory design was developed. 554 women over 18 years who are in paid works were intentionally sampled.

An instrument of 35 reagents organized in eight dimensions such as:

personal development, family life, social life, personal care, food, physical activity, satisfaction and interference was used.


Internal consistency, exploratory factorial analysis (AFE) and confirmatory analysis (AFC) were performed. There was a reduction from eight to six dimensions and from 35 to 25 reagents. As soon as these values were obtained, this scale has an appropriate structure as follows: (GFI=0,867, RMSEA= 0,063), becoming valid and reliable (α=0,874) to assess the level of reconciliation between women and their Family and Work Life.


Gratification, interference, couple and upbringing, health care, responsibilities in the home and free time are dimensions of the ECVT that allow to identify the structure of the conciliation from the perspective of working women.

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