The Bayes Factor, a Suitable Complement beyond Values of p<0. 05 in Nursing Research and Education

Invest. educ. enferm; 39 (1), 2021
Publication year: 2021

In accordance with a recent study in the current journal, significant differences are reported on burnout related with COVID-19 in two groups of nurses with and without experience with patients with COVID-19 infection in Iran, by using Student’s statistical t test,(1) It reports that experienced frontline nurses exposed to treating COVID-19 patients indicate higher levels of job stress and burnout. This comparative analysis is among the most used in medical sciences based on the null hypothesis significance test (NHST) according to the “p <0.05” significance level that infers rejection of the null hypothesis (no difference) and provides greater likelihood confidence to researchers to assume the alternate hypothesis (difference) given the study sample.(2) Bayesian statistics also permits contrasting hypotheses through probabilities of credibility, being a suitable complement to reinforce statistical significance and, when having frequentist significant findings, it is also a methodological alternative of statistical replication.(3-5) From the Bayesian model, the Bayes factor is the inclusive method of a priori and posteriori credibility to evaluate beyond the level of significance, given that it estimates the degree to which the data support the statistical hypotheses, from Jeffreys’ classification scheme for Student’s t analysis(5,6) “weak”, “moderate”, “strong”, and “very strong”

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