Comparación entre suturas para cierre profundo y superficial en reemplazo total de rodilla: seguimiento a un año
A comparison of sutures for deep and superficial wound closure in total knee arthroplasty: One-year follow-up
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol; 36 (1), 2022
Publication year: 2022
Aunque diferentes materiales y técnicas se han desarrollado para el cierre superficial y profundo en reemplazo total de rodilla (RTR), no hay evidencia que permita dar recomendaciones respecto a una técnica especifica que disminuya complicaciones postoperatorias de la herida. El propósito de este estudio es comparar el uso de dos técnicas de cierre profundo (Sutura barbada vs. Sutura absorbible trenzada) y superficial (grapas vs. sutura de polipropileno) en RTR.
Materiales y métodos
Estudio observacional retrospectivo en 240 pacientes. Se excluyeron pacientes con antecedente de cirugía abierta previa de rodilla, RTR previo por lesiones tumorales o artrofibrosis. Seguimiento mínimo de 1 año.
Se usaron grapas en 176 pacientes y Prolene® en 64 pacientes. El cierre profundo se realizó con Stratafix® en 164 pacientes y con Vicryl® en 75 pacientes. Encontramos complicaciones relacionadas con la herida y la funcionalidad al año de seguimiento.
La infección superficial para el cierre con prolene presento un HR de 2.6 con un intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95%=1.1-6.2; p=0.029 y en el cierre profundo encontramos un HR a favor del Vicryl® de 0.22, IC 95%=0.96-5.8; p=0.05.
Este estudio demostró un incremento significativo de la incidencia de infección superficial después de un RTR cuando el cierre profundo se realiza con suturas barbadas y el cierre superficial se realiza con sutura de polipropileno. Sin embargo, no se presentaron diferencias significativas en otras complicaciones relacionadas con la herida y en la funcionalidad postoperatoria con las diferentes técnicas de cierre superficial y profundo evaluadas.
Different materials and techniques have been developed for superficial and deep closure in total knee replacement (TKR), but there is no solid evidence that allows to recommend a specific technique that decreases the surgical post-operative complications. The purpose of this study is to compare the use of two deep closure techniques (barbed suture vs. braided absorbable suture) and superficial (staples vs. polypropylene suture) in TKR.
Materials and methods
An observational retrospective study was carried out in 240 patients. Those individuals were excluded with previous open knee surgery, arthrofibrosis, patients who underwent TKR due to tumor lesions or a follow up for less than one year.
The skin was closed in 176 patients with staples and in 64 patients with Prolene®. Deep closure was performed with Stratafix® in 164 patients and with Vicryl® in 75 patients. Also, complications related to the wound and functionality were recorded in the first postoperative year. Superficial infection for closure with prolene presented an HR in favor of 2.6 with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%=1.1–6.2; p=0.029 and in deep closure a HR in favor of Vicryl® of 0.22, 95% CI=0.96–5.8; p=0.05
This study demonstrated a significant increase in the incidence of superficial infection after TKR when deep closure is performed with barbed sutures and superficial closure with polypropylene suture. However, there were no significant differences in other complications related with the wound neither postoperative functionality with the different superficial and deep closure techniques that were evaluated.