Germinación y establecimiento de plántulas de Dioclea guianensis Benth. (Fabaceae)
Germination and establishment of seedlings of Dioclea guianensis Benth. (Fabaceae)
Rev. Asoc. Colomb. Cien. Biol. (En línea); 1 (35), 2023
Publication year: 2023
Objective. The germination capacity of Dioclea guianensis is being described. Materials and methods. The fruits were collected in the La Depresión district of La Sierra municipality, Cauca, where floristic and ecological restoration studies are being conducted. For the morphological description, 50 fruits and 75 seeds were used, and morphometric measurements of length, width, and thickness were taken. The stages of germination were observed and described through nursery sowing with four repetitions of 290 seeds each; observations were made daily and establishment was determined by the appearance of the second leaf. Results.
Morphological description of the fruit and seeds:
The fruit of D. guianensis is a dry, oblong-compressed legume with explosive dehiscence. The seeds are oblong-elliptical with a semicircular hilum, without a persistent funicle. Germination in D. guianensis is epigeal and phanerocotylar, with an average germination time of 25 to 40 days. The survival rate of seedlings until the appearance of the second leaf was 85%. Conclusion, D. guianensis exhibits a maximum germination rate of 99.8% and a seedling survival rate of 85%. The seedlings have phanerocotylar, epigeal, and straight germination, with fleshy cotyledons and the development of photosynthetic membranous leaf primordia. This allows the seedlings to develop in the first few weeks with the protection and storage of the cotyledons, and later assume the nutritional role of the photosynthetic leaf primordia.
Objetivo. Describir la capacidad de germinación de Dioclea guianensis. Materiales y métodos. Los frutos fueron colectados en el corregimiento La Depresión del municipio La Sierra – Cauca, donde se adelantan estudios florísticos y de restauración ecológica. Para la descripción morfológica fueron utilizados 50 frutos y 75 semillas, se tomaron medidas morfométricas de largo, ancho y grosor. Las etapas de la germinación se observaron y describieron a partir de la siembra en vivero con cuatro repeticiones de 290 semillas cada una; las observaciones se realizaron cada día y el establecimiento se determinó por la aparición del segundo nomofilo. Resultados.