An Open-Access Web-based Medical Image Atlas for Collaborative Medical Image Sharing, Processing, Web Semantic Searching and Analysis with Uses in Medical Training, Research and Second Opinion of Cases
Atlas Web de Acceso Abierto de Imágenes Médicas para Compartir, Analizar, Procesar y Buscar en Web Semántica Imágenes Medicas con Aplicaciones en Entrenamiento, Investigación y Segunda Opinión de Casos en Salud
NOVA publ. cient; 12 (22), 2014
Publication year: 2014
Development of a Web-based atlas for collaborative image sharing, processing and analysis of diagnostic images.
Materials and Methods:
Use of Web 2.0 Personalized Learning Environment tools for social learning and knowledge construction and sharing.Results:
The platform allows registered users to upload, visualize, process and comment medical images in a collaborative manner. The system contains a social network module for open case discussion, a video conference and webinar module for real time case analysis, and an image visualization, annotation and processing module for image analysis. The developed open-access platform serves as a large community-created and validated free-repository of diagnostic medical images to be used for training, research as well as reference and second opinion of cases...
Desarrollo de un atlas Web para el intercambio colaborativo, procesamiento y análisis de imágenes diagnósticas.