Variables asociadas a abuso físico y psicológico a la pareja
Associated variables with partner physical and psychological abuse
Variáveis associadas a abuso físico e psicológico ao casal
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá); 9 (3), 2011
Publication year: 2011
El abuso físico y el abuso psicológico representan un problema de salud pública frecuente en mujeres colombianas. No obstante, pocas investigaciones exploran las variables asociadas en mujeres adultas.
establecer variables psicosociales asociadas a abuso físico y psicológico en mujeres de Bogotá (Colombia).Materiales y métodos:
se diseñó un estudio analítico transversal. Se solicitó la participación de mujeres adultas con pareja de estrato socioeconómico bajo.Se aplicaron las escalas:
Apgar familiar (disfunción familiar), Escala de Rosenberg (autoestima), Cuestionario General de Salud (GHQ-12, trastornos mentales comunes) e Índice de Abuso a la Pareja (Index of Spouse Abuse, ISA-8, ISA-F e ISA-P). Mediante regresión logística se ajustaron la variables psicosociales asociadas al abuso físico y al abuso psicológico.Resultados:
participaron 292 mujeres. La media para la edad fue 33,0 años (DE = 9,23). La prevalencia de baja autoestima fue del 29,1%; de disfunción familiar, del 82,5%; de trastornos mentales comunes, del 73,6%; de abuso psicológico, del 68,5% y de abuso físico, del 70,2%. Los trastornos mentales comunes (OR = 4,0; IC 95% 2,2-7,5), baja autoestima (OR = 2,4; IC 95% 1,2-4,7) y disfunción familiar (OR = 2,3; IC 95% 1,1-4,8) se asociaron a abuso psicológico; y baja autoestima (OR = 2,6; IC 95% 1,4-5,0) y trastornos mentales comunes (OR = 2,4; IC 95% 1,4-4,3) a abuso físico.Conclusiones:
es alta la frecuencia de maltrato conyugal en mujeres de estrato socioeconómico bajo de Bogotá. El trastorno mental común y la baja autoestima se asocian a abuso psicológico y a abuso físico.
Physical and psychological abuse (spouse abuse) are a common public health problem in women of Colombia. However, few investigations explore the variables associated in adult women.
To establish psychosocial variables associated with spouse abuse in women in situations of vulnerability Bogotá, Colombia.Materials and methods:
A cross-sectional study was designed in which participated of adult women with a current partner dwelling in low socioeconomic status.It was applied the scales:
family Apgar (family dysfunction), Rosenberg Scale (self-esteem), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12, common mental disorders) and Index of Spouse Abuse (physical abuse, ISA-F and; psychological abuse, ISA-P). Logistic regression was used to adjust associated variables with physical abuse and psychological abuse.Results:
A total of 292 women participated. The mean age was 33.0 years (SD = 9.23) and for schooling, 6.7 years (SD = 2.8). The prevalence of 29.1% low self-esteem, family dysfunction was 82.5% of common mental disorders, 73.6%, psychological abuse, 68.5% and physical abuse, 70.2%. Common mental disorders (OR = 4.0, 95% CI 2.2-7.5), low self-esteem (OR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.7) and family dysfunction (OR = 2.3, 95% IC 1.1-4.8%) were associated with psychological abuse and low self-esteem (OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.4-5.0) and; common mental disorders (OR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.3-4.4) with physical abuse.Conclusions:
It is high the frequency of physical abuse and psychological abuse (spouse abuse) among women of low socioeconomic status of Bogotá. Common mental disorders and low self-esteem are associated with spouse abuse.
O abuso físico e o abuso psicológico representam um problema de saúde pública freqüente em mulheres colombianas. Não obstante, poucas pesquisas exploram as variáveis associadas em mulheres adultas.