Boletín epidemiológico semanal 27: Tos ferina
Weekly epidemiological bulletin 27

Publication year: 2019

La tos ferina es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa del tracto respiratorio causada por una bacteria llamada Bordetella pertussis, que vive en la boca, la nariz y la garganta; muchos niños que contraen tos ferina tienen ataques de tos que duran de cuatro a ocho semanas. La tos ferina se caracteriza por presentarse en tres fases, la catarral similar a un resfriado; la paroxística con síntomas como estridor inspiratorio, tos en quintas seguido de vómito.
Pertussis is a highly contagious disease of the respiratory tract caused by a bacterium called Bordetella pertussis, which lives in the mouth, nose and throat; Many children who get pertussis have cough attacks that last from four to eight weeks. Whooping cough is characterized by being presented in three phases, the cold-like catarrhal; paroxysmal with symptoms such as inspiratory stridor, cough in fifths followed by vomiting.

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