Boletín epidemiológico semana 4: Vigilancia brotes de Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos ETA
Weekly epidemiological bulletin 4

Publication year: 2022

Durante 2021 (preliminar) se notificaron 603 brotes de ETA con 6 883 casos involucrados, En promedio se notificaron 12 brotes semanales; se registró un incremento del 24,5 % en la notificación de brotes con respecto al 2021 (483 brotes); comportamiento explicado por el regreso a la normalidad en restaurantes, ventas ambulantes, eventos masivos, entre otras actividades; sin embargo, esto representó 40,3 % menos brotes que el año 2019, relacionado posiblemente con las restricciones implementadas por la pandemia de COVID 19. El mayor número de brotes se presentó en la semana 37, el mayor número de casos en la semana 42 relacionado con un brote en población privada de la libertad.
During 2021 (preliminary), 603 FBD outbreaks were reported with 6 883 cases involved, On average 12 weekly outbreaks were reported; an increase of 24.5% was recorded in the notification of outbreaks compared to 2021 (483 outbreaks); behavior explained by the return to normality in restaurants, street vendors, massive events, among other activities; However, this represented 40.3% fewer outbreaks than in 2019, possibly related to the restrictions implemented by the coronavirus pandemic. COVID 19. The highest number of outbreaks occurred in the week 37, the highest number of cases at week 42 related to a outbreak in population deprived of liberty.

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