El retorno a la alegría: manual de Implementación para instituciones ejecutoras
Return to Joy: Implementation Manual for Implementing Institutions
Publication year: 2010
El Retorno a la Alegría es un programa de recuperación psicoafectiva orientado a niñas, niños y
adolescentes en situaciones de emergencia o desastre, para reducir la secuela de daños
emocionales que puede ocurrir en esa población, fomentar su resiliencia y restablecer su funcionamiento.
Return to Joy is a psycho-affective recovery program aimed at children and adolescents in emergency or disaster situations, in order to reduce the aftermath of the damage caused by the disaster. in emergency or disaster situations, in order to reduce the emotional damage that may occur in this population, to emotional damage that may occur in this population, fostering their resilience and restoring their functioning.