Caja de herramientas para el abordaje integral del uso de sustancias psicoactivas: guía de uso
Toolbox for a comprehensive approach to the use of psychoactive substances: a guide for use
Publication year: 2023
La caja de herramientas para el abordaje integral del uso de sustancias psicoactivas, es un espacio
dedicado a aquellas personas que de manera personal han estado o están expuestos al consumo
de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), igualmente, se dirige aquellas personas de la comunidad, familias, colegios, universidades, barrios y grupos sociales que requieran de herramientas prácticas
que aporten a la mitigación y prevención de consumo de SPA en su círculo social. Es así que, como
profesionales del área de la salud, nuestra misión es promover la responsabilidad social desde una
educación integral, por lo que confiamos en que esta guía y la caja de herramientas sea de ayuda
en el día a día para la sociedad.
The toolbox for a comprehensive approach to the use of psychoactive substances is a space dedicated to those who have been or are exposed to the use of psychoactive substances.
dedicated to those people who personally have been or are exposed to the use of psychoactive substances (PAS).
of psychoactive substances (PAS), it is also aimed at those people in the community, families, schools, universities, neighborhoods and social groups that require practical tools that contribute to the mitigation and prevention of PAS use.
that contribute to the mitigation and prevention of PAS consumption in their social circle. Thus, as
our mission is to promote social responsibility from an integral education, so we are confident that we can contribute to the
education, so we are confident that this guide and the toolbox will be of help in the daily life of society.
in the day to day life of society.