Educación para la salud sexual y reproductiva en la adolescencia y la juventud. Guía No.5
Sexual and reproductive health education for adolescents and youth. Guide No.5

Publication year: 2024

La pubertad es un hito biológico que genera cambios en el cuerpo y puede llegar en la infancia como se dijo en la Guía 4 o durante la adolescencia, que es un momento del curso de vida principalmente cultural. Para algunos grupos étnicos la pubertad es un hito de cambio de la infancia a la juventud, y no hay adolescencia. La adolescencia es una construcción social para describir a un grupo de personas que no son infantes y al mismo tiempo ya no dependen tanto de sus familias; es un grupo de quienes poco a poco se espera más autonomía y de quienes no se esperan aún los comportamientos, responsabilidades e independencia de las personas adultas del grupo social al que pertenecen.
Puberty is a biological milestone that generates changes in the body and can changes in the body and can come in childhood as mentioned in the Guide or during adolescence, which is a 4 or during adolescence, which is a mainly cultural is a moment in the life course that is primarily cultural. For some ethnic groups puberty is a puberty is a milestone of change from childhood to youth, and there is no adolescence. Adolescence is a social construct to describe a group of people who are not infants are no longer infants and at the same time are no longer dependent on their families; it is a group from whom little by little more autonomy is expected and from whom more autonomy and from whom behaviors, responsibilities and the behaviors, responsibilities and independence independence of the adults of the social group to which they belong. social group to which they belong.

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