Educación para la salud sexual en la adultez y la vejez. Guía No.6
Sexual health education in adulthood and old age. Guide No.6

Publication year: 2024

La adultez es un momento del curso de vida en el que, en un escenario ideal, gozamos y tenemos los recursos para tener una buena calidad de vida. También es la oportunidad para cultivar las habilidades requeridas y las condiciones de vida que nos permitan una vejez digna.
Adulthood is a time in the life course when, ideally course of life in which, in an ideal scenario, we enjoy and have the resources to have a good quality of life, we enjoy and have the resources to have a good quality of life. It is also the the opportunity to cultivate the required skills and and living conditions that will allow us to have a dignified old age. allow us to have a dignified old age.

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