Resultados: 14

Bendopneia é um sinal semiológico associado a baixa reserva diastólica em pacientes insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção preservada
Bendopnea is a semiological sign associated with low diastolic reserve in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction

INTRODUÇÃO: A Insuficiência Cardíaca com Fração de Ejeção Preservada (ICFEP) é uma condição prevalente na população geral, cujo diagnóstico pode ser desafiador. Atualmente, há uma escassez de dados sobre quais aspectos do exame clínico são mais relevantes para o diagnóstico. MÉTODOS: F...

Mechanical dispersion is a superior echocardiographic feature to predict exercise capacity in preclinical and overt heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

BACKGROUND: Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) is a syndrome characterized by different degrees of exercise intolerance, which leads to poor quality of life and prognosis. Recently, the European score (HFA-PEFF) was proposed to standardize the diagnosis of HFpEF. Even though Global Lo...

Afterload increase challenge unmasks systolic abnormalities in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Int. j. cardiol; 380 (), 2023
BACKGROUND: Provocative maneuvers have the potential to overcome the low sensitivity of resting echocardiography and biomarkers in the detection of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). We investigate the mechanical response of the left ventricle to an afterload challenge in patients wi...

Machine learning-driven serum metabolomics: insights into the transition to early-stage heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Circulation; 146 (Suppl 1), 2022
Introduction: Metabolomics has emerged as a powerful tool in providing readouts of early disease states before clinical manifestation. Here we used the predictive power of Unsupervised Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (UHCA) and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) algorithms to identify serum metabolic p...