Mori, A. A;
Los, B;
Oliveira, V. F;
Bortolin, R. H;
Freitas, R. C. Costa de;
Ferreira, G. M;
Borges, J. B;
Bastos, G. M;
Barbosa, T. K. A. A;
Marçal, E. D. S. R;
Hernandez, C. D;
Fajardo, C. M;
Hirata, M. H;
Hirata, R. D. C.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Introduction: The familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases, and it is mainly caused by genetic variants at the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR). Although ultrasequencing technology has allowed the identification of several genetic...
Neste boletim são apresentados: situação mundial, ocorrência de hospitalizações confirmadas para sars-cov-2, perfil das pessoas, distribuição espacial, Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica Pediátrica (SIM-P), povos indígenas, descrição de surtos, trabalhadores da saúde, Vigilância senti...
Neste boletim são apresentados: situação mundial, ocorrência de hospitalizações confirmadas para sars-cov-2, perfil das pessoas, distribuição espacial, Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica Pediátrica (SIM-P), povos indígenas, descrição de surtos, trabalhadores da saúde, Vigilância senti...
Avila, Walkiria Samuel;
Rivera, Maria Alayde Mendonça;
Marques-Santos, Celi;
Rivera, Ivan Romero;
Costa, Maria Elizabeth Navegantes Caetano;
Lucena, Alexandre Jorge Gomes de;
Freire, Claudia Maria Vilas;
Carvalho, Regina Coeli Marques de;
Born, Daniel;
Campanharo, Felipe Favorette;
Silva, Fabio Bruno.
BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality rates in Brazil remain above the goals established by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Heart disease is estimated to affect 4% of all pregnancies and remains by itself the main indirect obstetric cause of maternal death. In the last decades, a significant i...
VFUNDAMENTO: De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, países emergentes terão um crescimento considerável no número de ataques cardíacos e mortes relacionadas. Um dos principais problemas médicos no Brasil é a mortalidade causada por infarto agudo do miocárdio com supra de ST (IAMCSST). A...
ABSTRACT: The COVID-19 pandemic continues, with a late hyperinflammatory phase. The immunosuppressive therapy used in heart transplant patients, in theory, could reduce inflammation thus benefitting patients with COVID-19. So far, however, there is still very little literature on this subject. METHODS: T...
OBJECTIVES: Minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of volatile anesthetic agents to maintain bispectral index (BIS) below 50 in 50% of patients was defined as MACBIS50. The primary objective of this study was to determine the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane as a single hypnotic agent to maint...
Bosch, Jackie;
Lonn, Eva M;
Dagenais, Gilles R;
Gao, Peggy;
Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio;
Zhu, Jun;
Pais, Prem;
Avezum, Alvaro;
Sliwa, Karen;
Chazova, Irina E;
Peters, Ron J G;
Held, Claes;
Yusoff, Khalid;
Lewis, Basil S;
Toff, William D;
Khunti, Kamlesh;
Reid, Christopher M;
Leiter, Lawrence A;
Yusuf, Salim;
Hart, Robert G.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The HOPE-3 trial (Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation–3) found that antihypertensive therapy combined with a statin reduced first stroke among people at intermediate cardiovascular risk. We report secondary analyses of stroke outcomes by stroke subtype, predictors, treatment ef...
Bosch, Jackie;
Lonn, Eva M;
Jung, Hyejung;
Zhu, Jun;
Liu, Lisheng;
Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio;
Pais, Prem;
Xavier, Denis;
Diaz, Rafael;
Dagenais, Gilles;
Dans, Antonio;
Avezum, Alvaro;
Piegas, Leopoldo S;
Parkhomenko, Alexander;
Keltai, Kati;
Keltai, Matyas;
Sliwa, Karen;
Held, Claus;
Peters, Ronald J G;
Lewis, Basil S;
Jansky, Petr;
Yusoff, Khalid;
Khunti, Kamlesh;
Toff, William D;
Reid, Christopher M;
Varigos, John;
Joseph, Philip;
Leiter, Lawrence A;
Yusuf, Salim.
AIMS Rosuvastatin (10 mg per day) compared with placebo reduced major adverse cardiovascular (CV) events by 24% in 12 705 participants at intermediate CV risk after 5.6 years. There was no benefit of blood pressure (BP) lowering treatment in the overall group, but a reduction in events in the third of pa...
Giusti, Júlio César Gomes;
Cury, Marcus Vinícius Martins;
Rossi, Fábio Henrique;
Soares, Samara Pontes;
André Felipe Trento, 1 1 Department of Vascular Surgery, Hospital Municipal Dr Carmino Caricchio, São Paulo, Brazil;
Sabrina Payne Tartarotti, 1 1 Department of Vascular Surgery, Hospital Municipal Dr Carmino Caricchio, São Paulo, Brazil;
Brochado-Neto, Francisco Cardoso.
BACKGROUND: Endovascular treatment of iliofemoral occlusive disease is a challenging approach, especially for TransAtlantic Inter-Society C and D lesions. Therefore, the revascularization procedure in such situations is preferably performed by bypass graft surgery with synthetic materials. The purpose of...