Total: 6250

Diálogos continentais sobre comunicação em saúde em tempos de pandemia

Esta publicação, a 6ª da série LEIASS (Linha Editorial Internacional de Apoio aos Sistemas de Saúde), é fruto dos esforços conjuntos do Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde do Brasil (CONASS) e do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Nova de Lisboa em reunir artigos de d...

Effect of In utero Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy for severe ebstein anomaly or tricuspid valve dysplasia (NSAID therapy for fetal ebstein anomaly)

Am. j. cardiol; 15 (141), 2021
Abstract: Ebstein anomaly (EA) and tricuspid valve dysplasia (TVD) are rare congenital malformations associated with nearly 50% mortality when diagnosed in utero. The diseases often produce severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) in the fetus and in some cases, pulmonary regurgitation (PR) and circular shunt...

Role of B lymphocytes in the infarcted mass in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Biosci. rep; 41 (2), 2021
Introduction: Almost 20% of patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) develop heart failure, even when early reperfused [1]. Left ventricular remodeling seems related to the size of myocardial infarction and timely reperfusion, as well as to the inflammatory responses and residual ischemia [2]. Expe...

Effect of qualitative and quantitative nutritional plan on gene expression in obese patients in secondary prevention for cardiovascular disease

Clin Nutr ESPEN; (41), 2021
Summary Background & aims: Diet is a modifiable risk factor, which may influence the gene expression and the concentration of inflammatory biomarkers related to obesity and atherosclerosis. In this sub study from Brazilian Cardioprotective Nutritional (BALANCE) Program, we hypothesized that a nutritional...

Peculiar relationships among morphology, burrowing performance and sand type in two fossorial microteiid lizards

Zoology (Jena); 144 (), 2021
Associations among ecology, morphology and locomotor performance have been intensively investigated in several vertebrate lineages. Knowledge on how phenotypes evolve in natural environments likely benefits from identification of circumstances that might expand current ecomorphological equations. In this...

Medical School, Cardiovascular Surgery, and Education: how we do it in Brazil’s scenario?

Braz J Cardiovasc Surg; 36 (4), 2021
Abstract: Choosing a surgical specialty can be a hard decision for a medical student. Several studies present data showing that most medical students fear the surgical field and end up switching to another specialty. For cardiovascular surgery, the scenario is very similar. In the last decades, the inter...

Comparative clinical performance of two types of drug-eluting stents with abluminal biodegradable polymer coating: Five-year results of the DESTINY randomized trial

Rev. port. cardiol; 40 (2), 2021
Resumo Introdução e objetivos: Stents Coated with the Biodegradable Polymer on their Abluminal Faces and Elution of Sirolimus Versus Biolimus Elution for the Treatment of de Novo Coronary Lesions (Destiny Trial) é um estudo randomizado de não inferioridade que comparou o stent farmacológico eluído ...

Analysis of Cochrane Systematic Reviews about retinopathy of prematurity

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 80 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT Background: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a vasoproliferative retinal disorder that affects extremely premature infants and is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in childhood. Objective: This study presents a review of Cochrane systematic reviews about ROP. Methods: We analyzed...

Boletim epidemiológico: covid-19 e o tabagismo: uma relação a ser esclarecida

Em 12 de dezembro de 2019, um conjunto de casos de pneumonia causada por um coronavírus recém-identificado foi anunciado na cidade de Wuhan, na província de Hubei, China . Rapidamente, o número de casos aumentou e instalou-se uma pandemia de infecção aguda do trato respiratório associada ao novo a...

Boletim Epidemiológico: diabetes mellitus no estado de Goiás

O diabetes mellitus (DM) é um distúrbio metabólico caracterizado por hiperglicemia persistente, decorrente de deficiência na produção de insulina ou na sua ação, ou em ambos os mecanismos, ocasionando complicações em longo prazo1 . A hiperglicemia persistente está associada às complicações...