Total: 6250

Boletim Epidemiológico COVID-2019 (RS): semana epidemiológica (SE) 21 de 2021

Neste boletim são apresentados: situação mundial, ocorrência de hospitalizações confirmadas para sars-cov-2, perfil das pessoas, distribuição espacial, Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica Pediátrica (SIM-P), povos indígenas, descrição de surtos, trabalhadores da saúde, Vigilância senti...

The long-term impact of the leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis (LPEP) program on leprosy incidence: a modelling study

The Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP) program explored the feasibility and impact of contact tracing and the provision of SDR to eligible contacts of newly diagnosed leprosy patients in states or districts of Brazil, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. This study investigated...

Revised estimates of leprosy disability weights for assessing the global burden of disease: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis

Leprosy is a chronic, disabling disease that causes various kinds of disability in the affected person. This includes physical impairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction. However, the published global burden of disease estimates for leprosy is considered to be a gross under-estimation...

Deposition of immune complexes in gingival tissues in the presence of periodontitis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex chronic autoimmune disease characterized by tissue damage and widespread inflammation in response to environmental challenges. Deposition of immune complexes in kidneys glomeruli are associated with lupus nephritis, determining SLE diagnosis. Periodontitis ...

A qualitative study exploring the parceived impact of race on leprosy-affected persons' experiences of diagnosis and treatment of leprosy in Southeast Brazil

Leprosy is a chronic, yet curable, infectious disease that causes severe morbidity in Brazil with an annual incidence of 33,000 new cases. Recent studies in Brazil showed a correlation between leprosy and the percentage of non-whites affected. Racial discrimination has been documented as a barrier to acc...