Total: 6250

Increased serum levels of interleukin-6 in erythema nodosum leprosum suggest its use as a biomarker

Background: Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) is a frequent complication of multibacillary leprosy that can result in significant morbidity, including peripheral nerve damage and physical disability. The identification of possible serum markers could be a valuable tool for the early detection of ENL. Aim...

Comparison between nerve conduction study anf high-resolution ultrasonography with color doppler in type 1 and type 2 leprosy

Objective: To analyze the role of high-resolution ultrasonography with color Doppler (HRUS with CD) to diagnose inflammatory activity (IA) in nerves of leprosy patients under type 1 (RT1) and 2 (RT2) reactions compared to Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS). Methods: Leprosy patients with signs or symptoms su...

Large-scale gene expression signatures reveal a microbicidal pattern of activation in Mycobacterium leprae-infected monocyte-derived macrophages with low multiplicity of infection

Leprosy is a disease with a clinical spectrum of presentations that is also manifested in diverse histological features. At one pole, lepromatous lesions (L-pole) have phagocytic foamy macrophages heavily parasitized with freely multiplying intracellular Mycobacterium leprae. At the other pole, the prese...

Boletim Epidemiológico COVID-2019 (RS): semana epidemiológica (SE) 22 de 2021

Neste boletim são apresentados: situação mundial, ocorrência de hospitalizações confirmadas para sars-cov-2, perfil das pessoas, distribuição espacial, Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica Pediátrica (SIM-P), povos indígenas, descrição de surtos, trabalhadores da saúde, Vigilância senti...

Boletim Epidemiológico COVID-2019 (RS): semana epidemiológica (SE) 23 de 2021

Neste boletim são apresentados: situação mundial, ocorrência de hospitalizações confirmadas para sars-cov-2, perfil das pessoas, distribuição espacial, Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica Pediátrica (SIM-P), povos indígenas, descrição de surtos, trabalhadores da saúde, Vigilância senti...