Resultados: 3

Disjunção do anel e prolapso de valva mitral: o que aprendemos com seguimento desses pacientes?
Ring disjunction and mitral valve prolapse: what have we learned from follow-up of these patients?

INTRODUÇÃO: A disjunção do anel mitral (DAM) é uma anormalidade estrutural do anel fibroso, caracterizado pela inserção superior do folheto posterior na parede do átrio esquerdo, associado principalmente ao prolapso de valva mitral (PVM). A presença de MAD está associado ao desenvolvimento de a...

24-hour Holter as a method for correlating symptoms and arrhythmic events

INTRODUCTION: Complaints of palpitations are widespread in clinical practice and, in most cases, require 24-hour Holter or prolonged monitoring. When the symptom is due to an arrhythmia, the possibility of obtaining an electrocardiographic record of the moment of the complaint is very useful and can help...

Probable atrioventricular reentry tachycardia (Node to Node) in a patient with right atrial isomerism in the immediate postoperative period of palliative surgery

INTRODUCTION: Patients with right atrial isomerism present duplicity of intracardiac structures, such as atrioventricular nodes. They thus present tachycardia of supraventricular reentry and responsive to adenosine therapy. In the postoperative period of palliative surgeries, the presence of tachycardia ...