Resultados: 2

Complete versus partial revascularization for older adults with acute coronary syndrome: a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized and multivariable adjusted data

Coron. artery dis; (), 2024
BACKGROUND Evidence from randomized studies support complete over culprit-only revascularization for patients with acute coronary artery syndrome (ACS) and multivessel coronary artery diseases (MVD). Whether these findings extend to elderly patients, however, has not been thoroughly explored. METHODS W...

Long-term outcomes of second-generation drug-eluting stents versus coronary artery bypass graft: a sistematic review and meta-analysis

Circulation; 148 (Suppl.1), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Long-term data is limited on the comparative outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with second-generation drug-eluting stents (S-DES) versus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Hypothesis: Our aim was to conduct a systematic...