INTRODUCTION: A novel arterial access distally on the radial artery through the anatomical snuffbox has been recently described for coronary interventional procedures. However, there is insufficient data comparing the advantages and limitations of distal transradial access (dTRA), conventional transradia...
INTRODUCTION: The transfemoral TAVR is a safe and effective treatment for severe and symptomatic aortic stenosis, regardless of the surgical risk profile. The vascular access and hemostasis are fundamental steps of the procedure and have impact on the prognosis. Traditionally, the arterial hemostasis has...
INTRODUÇÃO: O implante transcateter de bioprótese aórtica (TAVI) por via transfemoral constitui tratamento seguro e eficaz para pacientes (pts) idosos com estenose aórtica (EAo) grave e sintomática, independente do perfil de risco cirúrgico. A obtenção do acesso e de hemostasia arteriais são as...